
Deploy to Vercel using the CLI

December 23, 2023 0
#vite #vercel

Hola, this is my first post, we gonna learn how to deploy using the vercel cli, so lets go!


Install the vercel cli

Let’s install the vercel cli, you can change the npm with your preferred one

  npm i -g vercel

Login to the vercel cli

  1. Now, we have to login to our vercel account

  2. Choose your login method

    Vercel CLI 32.5.3
    > > No existing credentials found. Please log in:
    ? Log in to Vercel
     Continue with GitHub
     Continue with GitLab
     Continue with Bitbucket
     Continue with Email
     Continue with SAML Single Sign-On
  3. I choose GitHub and follow the login instructions

    Vercel CLI 32.5.3
    ? Log in to Vercel github
    > Please visit the following URL in your web browser:
    > Success! GitHub authentication complete for fachri.hawari@gmail.com
    Congratulations! You are now logged in. In order to deploy something, run `vercel`.
    💡  Connect your Git Repositories to deploy every branch push automatically (https://vercel.link/git).

Deploy the project

I have initiate a simple vite project, now we can use that project to deploy to vercel

  1. Go to the project directory

      cd vite-project
  2. Deploy the project

    Vercel CLI 32.5.3
    ? Set up and deploy “~/vite-project”? [Y/n] y
    ? Which scope do you want to deploy to? fachrihawari
    ? Link to existing project? [y/N] n
    ? What’s your project’s name? vite-project
    ? In which directory is your code located? ./
    Local settings detected in vercel.json:
    Auto-detected Project Settings (Vite):
    - Build Command: vite build
    - Development Command: vite --port $PORT
    - Install Command: `yarn install`, `pnpm install`, `npm install`, or `bun install`
    - Output Directory: dist
    ? Want to modify these settings? [y/N] n
    🔗  Linked to fachrihawari/vite-project (created .vercel and added it to .gitignore)
    🔍  Inspect: https://vercel.com/fachrihawari/vite-project/8Ljqz2qXVD8WrZrKzNno2S3ggQyc [1s]
      Preview: https://vite-project-h69n7296j-fachrihawari.vercel.app [1s]
    📝  Deployed to production. Run `vercel --prod` to overwrite later (https://vercel.link/2F).
    💡  To change the domain or build command, go to https://vercel.com/fachrihawari/vite-project/settings
  3. Actually the project is already deployed but it’s a preview deployment, if you want to deploy it to production you can run this command

      vercel --prod
    Vercel CLI 32.5.3
    🔍  Inspect: https://vercel.com/fachrihawari/vite-project/ExLzvwecK2xBLMNsGZMW6eaePhHK [1s]
      Production: https://vite-project-ozpch580d-fachrihawari.vercel.app [1s]


That’s it, we have successfully deploy our vite project to vercel using the cli, if you have any question or suggestion please leave a comment below, thank you for reading this post, see you in the next post, bye!